Lyrics are mostly traditional. The second couplet of each verse are new, by Paul Gray
Oh, my name is Jock Stewart, I’m a canny gun man,
and a roving young fellow I’ve been.
Oh, my aim it is truer, even with just one hand
You’ll not find a marksman so keen
So come fill up your glasses with brandy and wine.
What ever the damage, I’ll pay
So be easy and free, when you’re drinking with me,
I’m a man you don’t meet every day.
I’m a roving young blade, I’m a piper to trade
And manys the tune I can play.
Then once I have played and all company’s stayed
We’ll all drink until it’s a new day
So come fill up your glasses with brandy and wine.
What ever the damage, I’ll pay
So be easy and free, when you’re drinking with me,
I’m a man you don’t meet every day.
I have acres of land, and I’ve men at command,
And manys the shilling in store.
I’ve got horses on hand and a rollicking band
Here we are to knock upon your door
So come fill up your glasses with brandy and wine.
What ever the damage, I’ll pay
So be easy and free, when you’re drinking with me,
I’m a man you don’t meet every day
I go out with my dog and my gun for to shoot,
all along by the banks of the Tay.
Early morn I set off in search of game that will suit
Where I hit every mark with no delay
So come fill up your glasses with brandy and wine.
What ever the damage, I’ll pay
So be easy and free, when you’re drinking with me,
I’m a man you don’t meet every day.
Let us catch well the hours
And the minutes that fly
And we’ll share them together this day