Shanty Collection for Sea and Sail

I am Paul Gray… The Worst Mate. I’ve just released Shanty Collection for Sea and Sail. I love music — traditional, nautical-folk music specifically! Listen to my new tracks or just check out the playlists. I assure you, I have impeccable taste!


Privacy: This is a side project. I will email no more than once or twice per year to say “Hey, I’ve got a new thing out!”.  I’m a shantyman, not a spamming jerk.

I Like Your Music – How Can I Help?

Streaming services need data in order to know what type of listener likes my music and what other artists it correlates with. You can help by:

  • Liking and following on streaming services
  • Adding my songs to relevant shanty playlists is huge
  • If you have friends that like shanties… tell them about this album! If they like shanties already, they’ll probably be excited! I know I am when new stuff comes out.
  • Post it to your shanty groups on Facebook, Reddit, Discord, or your regular socials. Tell people at your live or digital sing alongs. Those are our people and exactly who I’m trying to reach!
  • If you know of anyone I should reach out to (playlist owners, shanty groups, etc), let me know below!

Say Ahoy.

I'm considering releasing a single in the coming months. Which of these great tunes would you like to see recorded?